Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Katrina will not marry Salman

“On the personal front, Katrina will not marry Salman and if she does, then it will not last long. They both are completely different people. Salman is a Number 9 (27th Dec.1965) ruled by Mars (No.9), No.8 (Saturn – Capricorn) and No.6 (Venus). They share Number 9 in common but nothing else. Nos.7 and 9 do not gel well with difference of opinion being the main negative aspect. They both are different people with no similar ideologies but can be friends for sure. In nutshell, there is no great compatibility between the two and Katrina should avoid taking Salman too seriously. Rather, Katrina should not even think of marriage till July 2011” informs Bhavikk.