Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hotels Ban Charlie Sheen

Hotels Ban Charlie Sheen

Hotels ban Charlie Sheen

If we’re being honest, we wouldn’t lend our favourite pen to Charlie Sheen, let alone a whole room with an expensive telly and white towels.
Which is why he’s finding it a bit hard to get a hotel room in New York – and has to rent a private house while he’s in the city.
He’s about to embark on the Violent Torpedo Of Truth tour around America – doing what, we’re not sure – and sources say he’s been blacklisted from several top hotels.
Last year, Charlie was accused of trashing The Plaza Hotel when it was reported he was found drunk and naked with an escort, and had caused $7,000 worth of damage.
But another source says the problem was that Charlie needs enough space to house his entire entourage, including his two ‘goddesses’ Natalie and Rachel, and likes to smoke inside, which isn’t allowed in hotels.
Yes, that’s the real problem – the smoking. Of course. The tour starts on Saturday in Detroit, and Korn guitarist Rob Patterson and rapper Snoop Dogg are due to appear onstage with him. Winning? We hopeso.