Saturday, June 5, 2010

Vegas - The Report From The Field

How to survive a week of work in Las Vegas?
Skip the fancy restaurants, opt for sushi instead. Drink light beer instead of wine. Be back in your room before 11:00 with a book by Christopher Reich. Sleep well and wake up with a view of the sun on the distant hills.
As if the Antique and Estate Jewelry show isn't tiring I am off to the JCK show, which is the mother of all jewelry trade shows with everything from actual gemstones and finished jewelry to packaging, software and literally anything else you would need to be in the business... at any level.
I like to go and visit the Italian jewelers, because they always have innovative designs and high quality manufacturing...and they are really good looking and serve red wine.

My Friday suggestions for you...check out the Wall Street Journal for the article 'Does the Internet Make You Smarter or Dumber". Yes, we all need to know the answer to this. And, absolutely don't miss reading the article by Scott Adams, the creator of "Dilbert" on "Betting on the Bad Guys" or why you should invest in the companies that you hate the most.

Happy Friday